Page 116 - Montecito Journal Glossy Edition Winter Spring 2014/15

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The Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. Gallen was one of the last great building projects of the
Baroque period. Replacing medieval structures, the Cathedral was built between 1755 and 1767. The
twin spires dwarfing passersby measure approximately 263 feet, or 25 stories in height, and are the
creation of Austrian architect Peter Thumb working with master architect Johann Beer von Bildstein.
(right, top to bottom)
An exterior downspout takes the form of a fanciful dragon-like gargoyle.
The lower section of the ornate pulpit designed by Anton Dirr features the four Evangelists
Author of the fourth Gospel, St. John the Evangelist is recognizable by his attribute of the eagle
Carved in walnut by Franz Josef Feuchtmayer, the Cathedral’s magnificent choir stalls date from 1763-70.
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