Page 65 - The Montecito Journal Winter Spring 2009

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At one time, the entry to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History reflected its debt to the generosity
of Max Fleischmann as well as the Hazard family
(Courtesy Santa Barbara Historical Museum)
The Many Faces of Max
Friends and acquaintances report that Max Fleischmann was gruff and
determined but not arrogant or pompous. He once said, “I pick my own charities.
It doesn’t do anybody a damn bit of good to write to me.” Nevertheless, he gave
quite lavishly to those causes that interested him.
Max valued people based on character rather than wealth. When he and Sarah
moved to Lake Tahoe, Max befriended a young teacher and avid fisherman,
Sessions S. Wheeler, who was living in a one-room cabin he had built for nineteen
dollars. One day the two were going fishing at a secret hot spot and Sessions
(Buck) needed to pick up some bog sticks from his house. A bit embarrassed by
his humble living situation, Sessions dreaded having Max see it. Max inspected
Elands, impalas and rhinos are among the trophies that lined the walls of
s trophy room. Note the elephant’s foot waste can in foreground and various pelts
used as rugs and table coverings.
(Courtesy Santa Barbara Historical Museum)
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