Page 67 - The Montecito Journal Winter Spring 2009

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Every Student
should have
access to
Higher Education
With tuition costs increasing at alarming rates, financing college has become out
of reach for many Santa Barbara County families.
A college education is an appreciating asset, resulting in a better educated
workforce. Graduates give back to the community through their career choices,
donations, and volunteer efforts. We all benefit when young people are given
the opportunity to succeed.
Providing scholarships brings immense satisfaction to many community members.
The Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara manages scholarship funds for
individuals, families, businesses, foundations and civic groups. Scholarships provide
hope, encouragement and financial support for deserving students.
When you establish an annual scholarship, you have the opportunity to help
determine criteria for your recipients. You may name your scholarship in your
family or business name, or in honor or memory of a loved one. Creating a
scholarship fund is a wonderful way to pay tribute to someone who has held a
special place in your life.
Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara
P.O. Box 3620, Santa Barbara, CA 93130-3620
(805) 687-6065 •