Page 45 - Montecito Journal Glossy Edition Summer Fall 2011

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Prized Palace Poul tr y
First there was Tinkle, Oreo, Puff, Chip, Little Red, Chicken Little, Pengy,
Spats and Ritz. Now, Nugget, Big Bird and Clubby (a “special needs” chicken
with bad legs) reside at the Chicken Palace in Jack and Rose Herschorn’s
Montecito back yard. The Herschorns’ “Palace” – what most of us
might identify as a chicken coop – was designed by the whimsical Santa
Barbara architect, Jeff Shelton.
“We always thought that chickens were
some sort of personality-less farm animal.
Turns out that’s far from the truth. Each
one has an individual personality, favors certain
people, and emotionally, are very much like a dog,
cat or parrot, “ Jack reflects.
It seems the Herschorns are not alone. Backyard
chicken farming is not only on the rise in Montecito but
all over the country. Island Seed and Feed in Goleta
sold approximately 2,000 chicks between March and
September of last year.
Of the fifty breeds that Island sells, the friendly and gentle
Buff Orpingtons are the most popular, followed by other breeds such
as the tough Barred Rocks, the reliable Rhode Island Reds, Russian
Orloffs, Salmon Faverolles and the sassy Ameraucanas, which lays
blue to green-shelled eggs.
Folks keep chickens in their backyards for many reasons. Matt
Buckmaster told me that they make excellent pets, especially
when bought as chicks and handled regularly. “We hear from
people who have chickens that come in the house, sit in
their laps and watch TV with them. I’m not sure what
shows most chickens like best, but mine have no
indoor privileges,” he added.
Proponents of the “Eat Local” movement
would be hard pressed to find something more
local than having fresh eggs delivered daily from the
hens themselves.
Like home-grown fruits and vegetables backyard eggs
taste like, well, like real food. The flavorful
sticky orange yolks are even stickier
and orangier than the free-range eggs one
might purchase from the farmers’ market. Plus,
studies show that the more free they range and the
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