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by the Mazza Family
o, it doesn’t begin with an errant bet on the stock
market or the financial collapse or a catastrophic
loss in my now shuttered law practice. It starts with
a conversation. A simple conversation between my wife and me about
life and kids and happiness and success and dreams over lunch at The
Natural Café on one otherwise ordinary day last year.
“What if we actually did it?” she (mischievously) asked, biting into a
Ranch Salad.
“Did what?” I countered, typically oblivious to her overtures, mouth
full of Albacore Sandwich.
“You know, took some time off and traveled around the world with
the kids, like we’ve talked about.”
I stopped chewing.
We spent the ensuing seven months planning and plotting and
sometimes perspiring, and we eventually came up with the beginnings
of a trip that provided for a real diversity of experience that we thought
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